Investing Elliot

The full story has now been posted.  All 37 Chapters of it!  One day I will get around to fixing all  those small editing mistakes.  In the meantime I hope you enjoy it.  As I was writing I always had Chris Hemsworth in mind as my ideal Elliot.

5 thoughts on “Investing Elliot

  1. 1klkelly says:


    I’m new to this site/blogging. I’m a FSOG fan and looking forward to reading your versions.


    • Sasha J Cameron says:

      Welcome. The site only went up this week so I am thrilled to have you join me. Hope you enjoy Investing Elliot. Sasha xox


  2. kaz says:

    Another site I had been reading, Monique, suggested your site.. I have spend the last few days reading all of it.. Excellent work. Thank you.
    Are the Investing in Elliot chapters on. I am struggling to get them ??


  3. kaz says:

    Thanks Sasha, got there through your link.


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